palantypist machine

Are palantypists becoming extinct?

Most people have never even heard the word palantypist, so it’s a fair question to ask if they’ll still be around a decade from now.

oral translator

Need an oral translator in the UK? We can help

Here at 121 Captions, we have some of the very best oral translators in the world, working all across the globe and in multiple languages.

British sign language 999

British Sign Language 999 call service launched

A new emergency service has been launched, allowing people to make 999 calls using British Sign Language (BSL) for the first time.

Live captioning for business events

Live captioning for business events

Any modern, inclusive business event should have live captioning. If not, then not only are you missing out on potential opportunities, but you might also be breaking the law.

FAQs captioning companies

FAQ about captioning companies

Do you know the difference between subtitles and Closed Captions? Check out our top FAQs about captioning companies, what they do and why you need them!

hearing dogs

Why do some deaf people have a support dog?

Just as some blind people have guide dogs, many deaf people have “hearing” dogs to help them in their everyday lives. And just like guide dogs, hearing dogs are specially trained from a young age with a set of particular and important skills.

live captions for education

Why you need live captions for education

For students with hearing issues, lectures can be more than a challenge. Luckily, there is a simple solution to the problem – live captions for education.

transcribe your business conference

5 reasons you should transcribe your business conference

If you don’t think you should transcribe your business conference in the digital age, then take a look at these five reasons why it’s important.

British Sign Language Bill set to become law

British Sign Language Bill set to become law

Yesterday the Government announced that The British Sign Language Bill received its third reading in the House of Lords, allowing for Royal Assent and to officially become law.

remote captioning companies

Remote Captioning services – what you should be looking for

Like everything else in life, some businesses are simply better than others, so what should you be looking for when it comes to the best remote captioning companies?