oral translator

Does your business need an oral translator? Call us.

There are not many people around the globe that can do it to an exceptional degree, but here at 121 Captions, we’ve collected some of the very best oral translators in the world to help our clients.

live chat software

Why your website should have live chat software

Live chat software is now more popular than ever, and with good reason. Live chat support is fast, efficient, and convenient, helping your business in more ways than one.

COvid-19 infects inner ear

Study finds COVID-19 can affect the inner ear

A recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has come out describing how coronavirus can infect the inner ear.

BSL Interpreter

Looking for a BSL Interpreter? Call 121 Captions

As a business, you should always try to be as inclusive as possible, and hiring a BSL Interpreter is a major step in the right direction.

Stenographer machine

Looking for a stenographer? We can help

If you’re looking for a stenographer, then there are two things you need to focus on; speed and accuracy. We can help with both.

Remote captioning services

Remote captioning services from 121 Captions

When it comes to remote captioning services, we are the leading experts in the country with years of experience captioning events, lectures, and conferences, all over the world and in many different languages.

hearing health

3 ways to improve your hearing health

If you’ve noticed yourself asking people to repeat things a little more often than you used to, then improving your hearing health should be something to focus on.

COVID-19 and hearling loss

The link between COVID-19 and hearing loss

One of the long-term effects of COVID appears to be hearing loss, with millions of people worldwide reporting symptoms.