BSL interpreter

Why you should consider becoming a BSL interpreter

If you’ve ever thought about becoming a BSL interpreter, then hopefully this short blog post will help push you in the right direction.

Checklist for captioning companies

What to look for when it comes to captioning companies

Captioning companies come in all different shapes and sizes, so how do you choose one that’s right for you? We explain the 3 things to look out for.

Arlene Fraser forensic lip reading

How forensic lip reading helped convict a murderer

With the help of a forensic lip reading expert, the Crown Prosecution Service were able to convict Nat Fraser of murdering his wife. Here’s how.

remote captions and working from home

How remote captions can help your employees

If your staff are staying home this winter, remote captions might help them be more productive in their work. Discover how and why here:

Talking to a deaf person

3 Things you should never do when talking to a deaf person

With 1-in-6 people in the UK affected by hearing loss the chances are you’ve met someone recently who was hard of hearing without even realising. Did you do any of these things?

Captioning services

Our different types of captioning services

Captioning services come in all different shapes and sizes, but fall into two main categories; live and offline. We explain both here:

How do stenographers type so fast?

How do Stenographers type so fast?

Stenographers are usually thought of as the people in courtrooms that type out everything that’s said during a trial. But the question is, how do stenographers type so fast?

closed captions

Offline captions – why you should be using them for your videos

In this short article, we explain what offline captions are, why they’re helpful, and how you can add them to your videos.


Everything you need to know about lipspeakers and lipspeaking

Not to be confused with lipreading, there is a branch of the deaf and hard of hearing world which most people don’t know about – lipspeaking.

live captioning in the workplace

3 ways to ensure your workplace is deaf-friendly

Here are 3 ways in which you can help make your workplace environment safer and easier for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.