live captioning for education

Live captioning for education and higher learning

For deaf and hard of hearing students, lectures can be more than a challenge.

It’s difficult enough trying to hear someone in a crowded lecture hall, but add in other factors like background noise, low-quality microphones, or difficult subject matter, and even those without hearing problems struggle.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to the problem – live captioning. Read more

add closed captions on your YouTube videos

Why you should add closed captions to your YouTube videos

When it first started back in 2005, YouTube wasn’t exactly impressive.

The very first video uploaded was by one of the co-founders entitled Me at the zoo, and the 18-second clip now has a ridiculous 100 million views. Read more

offline captioning

Why offline captioning is important for all videos

Offline Captioning is a simple concept, but unfortunately, the vast majority of online videos don’t have them.

We explain what offline captioning is, where it can be used, and why you should always use captions in your videos. Read more

stenographer or palantypist

Stenographer, palantypist, and transcriptionist – what’s the difference?

When you think of a stenographer, you probably picture someone sitting in a courtroom, frantically typing out everything that’s being said, but this is just a simplified version we see on TV.

In reality, it’s more complicated than that, and once people start using words like typist, palantypist, and transcriptionist, then things really start to get confusing. Read more

Professional lip reading

Everything you need to know about professional lip reading

Lip reading is one of these things that everyone knows what it is, but they don’t actually know very much about it.

There are some surprising facts about lip reading as well as some common misconceptions, so we’ve put together this short article to tell you everything you need to know. Read more