Live captioning services

live captioning

Live captioning and offline captioning – what’s the difference?

There are different types of captions, some with their own very specific uses, but most fall into two categories: offline and live captioning.

captioning companies

How captioning companies help improve your business

Businesses use captioning companies for different reasons, and each one of them brings a positive effect to your brand, your staff and your clients.

hypersay live captioning

We are now partnering with Hypersay on live captioning!

121 Captions are pleased to announce their new strategic collaboration with digital platform Hypersay Events. Read more about it here.

Stenographer machine

Looking for a stenographer? We can help

If you’re looking for a stenographer, then there are two things you need to focus on; speed and accuracy. We can help with both.

Remote captioning services

Remote captioning services from 121 Captions

When it comes to remote captioning services, we are the leading experts in the country with years of experience captioning events, lectures, and conferences, all over the world and in many different languages.

Checklist for captioning companies

What to look for when it comes to captioning companies

Captioning companies come in all different shapes and sizes, so how do you choose one that’s right for you? We explain the 3 things to look out for.

remote captions and working from home

How remote captions can help your employees

If your staff are staying home this winter, remote captions might help them be more productive in their work. Discover how and why here:

Captioning services

Our different types of captioning services

Captioning services come in all different shapes and sizes, but fall into two main categories; live and offline. We explain both here: