News and media

Find out more about 121 Captions in the media. Discover the events we have sent our lipreaders to, the conferences we have captioned, and the difference we have made to our clients by providing realtime captioning services at their events.

apps for hearing loss

Another 5 brilliant apps for hearing loss

There are so many awesome Apps out there to help those with hearing loss, we’ve found another five examples you can download today!

signs of hearing loss

Signs, causes and treatment of hearing loss

The majority of us will suffer from hearing loss as we get older. When it will start, how bad it will be, and what the causes are is anyone’s guess, but there are signs you can look out for.

emergency text

Did you know you can text 999 in an emergency?

For deaf and hard of hearing people, talking to someone on a telephone is something that’s avoided if possible. But what if it can’t be avoided? What if it’s an emergency?

hearing aids help tinnitus

How hearing aids can help ease tinnitus

Tinnitus isn’t a problem with your ears, it’s a problem with your brain. Because of this, hearing aids might actually help with the symptoms of tinnitus.

Why you shouldn’t use cotton buds to remove ear wax

Why you shouldn’t use cotton buds to remove ear wax

Your ear is a delicate instrument, with tiny, fragile hairs attuned to picking up the smallest vibrations in the air. Putting anything in there and wriggling it about isn’t going to help.

4 types of hearing loss

The four basic types of hearing loss

There are different types of hearing loss, each with their own symptoms, causes and treatments. Here are the four basic types.

5 famous deaf people

Five deaf people who changed the world

Many deaf people have changed the world, either because of, or in spite of, their hearing loss. Here are five deaf people who changed the course of society.

myths about deaf people

Top five misconceptions about Deaf people

There are some bizarre myths out there about deaf people, but we’ve picked the top five which seem to be the most commonplace.

live chat software

Why your website should have live chat software

Live chat software is now more popular than ever, and with good reason. Live chat support is fast, efficient, and convenient, helping your business in more ways than one.