Stephen Colbert Hearing Loss

Five famous people who overcame hearing loss

Unfortunately, hearing loss is seen as something to be ashamed of. Even with modern “feel good” articles still representing deafness as some sort of hidden dark side that people bravely admit to.

Well, we’re here to tell you there’s nothing to admit to.

Having hearing issues is just another asset of your personality, and one that can make you stronger for who you are.

These five celebrities are living proof that having hearing loss is just another obstacle to overcome.

Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert is one of America’s Late Night Chat Show Kings and keen observers will note that Colbert’s right ear sticks out at an odd angle.

He’s been deaf in that one since he was a child, when surgery meant to fix a perforated eardrum caused damage to his inner ear.

“I had this weird tumour as a kid,” Colbert told The New Yorker in 2005, “and they scooped it out with a melon baller.”

The condition diverted him from an early interest in marine biology because he’s unable to scuba dive.

Stephen Colbert Hearing Loss

Millie Bobby Brown

Most famous for her role as Eleven in Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown shot to fame as a teenager and is now a renowned actor, model and producer.

With over 45 million Instagram followers, the 17-year-old is not one to shy away from the spotlight – but there is one thing not many fans know about her.

Millie is deaf in one ear. Born with partial hearing loss, which then turned into full deafness following years of tubes, she doesn’t always hear the director’s “action” cue when shooting a scene unless it’s loud.

Millie Bobby Brown Hearing Loss

Halle Berry

The Oscar-winning actress lost 80% of her hearing in her left ear after being physically assaulted by an abusive boyfriend.

In a 2011 speech at The Mayor’s Fund Benefit in New York City, Halle Berry addressed her hearing loss. “It was only when I was in an abusive relationship and I lost 80 percent of my hearing in my ear that I realized, I have to break the cycle. I want women to stand up and break the silence and get rid of the shame and the fear and find a way to stand up for themselves.”

Today, she continues to be an advocate for victims of domestic violence.

Halle Berry Hearing Loss

William Shatner

So Captain Kirk himself has trouble hearing. No surprise when you think of all those explosions on the Enterprise. In fact, that’s exactly what caused his hearing problems.

William Shatner began suffering tinnitus due to a pyrotechnics mishap while shooting an episode of the famed Star Trek series.

Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing or buzzing noise in one or both ears that may be constant or come and go, often associated with hearing loss.

Following this incident, he began to wear a small device which generated white noise to distract his brain from the constant ringing caused by tinnitus.

Shatner is a spokesperson for the American Tinnitus Association and advocates for sufferers and finding a solution.

William Shatner Hearing Loss

Jodie Foster

Two-time Oscar winner Jodie Foster often been cited as one of the best actresses of her generation.

But the award-winning actress admits that she’s not always great about taking care of her health, especially this ‘hearing loss thing,’ as she calls it.

Jodie has often been seen wearing an in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid over the years and also suffers from vertigo that can be related to the underlying cause of hearing loss.

Her determination and hard work have truly overcome her hearing loss, allowing her to enjoy a truly memorable career.

Jodie Foster Hearing Loss

1 reply
  1. Adarsh
    Adarsh says:

    Nice to know so many successful people having hearing loss. Nothing is a barrier for those who try.

    Keep up your inspiring work!


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